LED digit shot clock showing Match Time (left digits in green, 12 cm high) and remaining Time-Out (right digits in red, 12 cm high).
It is intended to be placed in locker rooms or adjacent rooms within the stadium where the match is taking place. It is controlled from the console of the installation's central scoreboard. When a time-out is selected from the console, the shot clock automatically starts counting down.
Operates as a real time clock when clock mode is selected from the console for the central scoreboard.
The shot clock must be connected to the ULISES or HERCULES console using an RS485 data cable (not supplied).
An additional port multiplier must be used if several clocks are to be installed in various rooms of the facility.
Supply voltage 220V.
Unpacked weight: 7 kg
Dimensions: 750 x 105 x 270 mm